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If your breakouts are increasingly red, sore and feel like they are very deep below the surface of the skin, you may be suffering from Cystic acne – a condition which affects a lot of our clients at the clinic. To help you understand more about this condition, we asked our junior therapist Olivia to tell us everything she knows!



Typically the symptoms of Acne will develop on the face, chest or back. These symptoms include; Blackheads, whiteheads,Papules(Red bumps with no head), Pustules ( red bumps filled with visible pus), Nodules ( large painful bumps), Cysts( large pus filled lumps)



Acne is most commonly linked to hormonal levels, certain hormones cause the sebaceous glands to produce larger amounts of sebum. The hormones can also thicken the inner linings of the follicles which can in turn cause blockages.



Cystic acne can be treated topically using skin treatments described above such as skin peels containing salicylic acid. A popular acne treatment at the clinic is the Obagi radiance peel (contains Salicylic, lactic and Glycolic acid).

In addition to this, we carry an advanced line called the Obagi Clenziderm system- This is a complete acne treatment specifically formulated to treat acne where it starts. In the kit is a salicylic cleanser, a salicylic based ‘Toner’ called pore therapy and a topical Benzoyl peroxide cream; this is used to clear and dry up individual breakouts when they appear.

Probably the most aggressive acne treatment is Roaccutane, this is a form of a retinoid medication that is commonly used to treat the most stubborn forms of cystic acne. This medication must be prescribed by a Dermatologist. The client would typically see results in 4-6 months. We now offer This service via our New Consultant dermatologist Dr Ahmed.

Once treated , acne can leave pitted scarring in the skin giving it an uneven texture. Treatment for the scarring can include an intensive course of Micro-needling. The treatment creates tiny holes in the skin triggering the skins wound healing response- this allows the skin to regenerate collagen and elastin giving a more plumped appearance and reducing the visibility of the scarring.

Featured Product

One of the products featured in Oliva’s blog was the Obagi Clenziderm System, this is a medical grade skincare system which requires a prescription from one of our Doctors.

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